The Spam

Once upon a chatroom there was a troll named Fuckshit. Fuckshit went on a chatroom.
Fatal Disease, the ruler, looked upon him with disdain. He gave him the gift of emoticons, as was customary, but gave him a stern warning.
"Don't spam the emotes."
However, when Fatal Disease turned his back, Fuckshit slammed him with an iron club, causing him to fall off of a cliff. Fuckshit started rejoicing in his newfound freedom, throwing around emoticons. Many were killed, more were injured. Chaos ensued, the chatroom was a disaster. 
Fatal Disease regained consciousness. He valiantly swooped down upon Fuckshit, disarming him. Looking at him with the utmost hate, he shouted,
"I told you about the fucking spam!!!!!!!!!!!"
Fatal Disease kicked him. His screams were heard as Fuckshit sailed through the air and out of the chatroom.